Our products offer proven technological advantage, our innovative products are customized to the individual requirements of our customers.
Native Wheat Starch
VIRESTAR Native Wheat Starch

VIRESTAR Native Wheat Starch
White powder like material with starch content more than 98%, shiny surface. its odor is neutral, its taste is free from foreign flavors. Compared to starch products made from other raw materials VIRESTAR wheat starch is the optimal choice in many industries due to its whiter appereance and more balanced quality.
VIRESTAR can be used in many fields in the food industry. The most important advantages of native starch: the particle size, the gelatinization, swelling and viscosity of the starch, for example in the baking industry or in the making of bakery products it is particullary significant.
For making high quality paper products and corrugated cardboard gluing is also a great choice of VIRESTAR wheat starch, for example due to the guaranteed protein content of less than 0.3%.
Paper bag 25 kg
Big-bag 1000 kg
Vital Wheat Gluten
NVG Vital Wheat Gluten

NVG Vital Wheat Gluten
Whitish powder like material, of which colour and odor is similar to wheat flour.
Thanks to Viresol's advanced technology, NVG vital drying gluten granules involve reduced heat shock, so they are less damaged, rather retain their original condition. In case of baking the so produced gluten has better baking properties, feeding results in improved digestibility.
Thanks to Viresol's advanced technology, NVG vital drying gluten granules involve reduced heat shock, so they are less damaged, rather retain their original condition. In case of baking the so produced gluten has better baking properties, feeding results in improved digestibility.
Paper bag 25 kg
Big-bag 1000 kg
Viredex Maltodextrin

Viredex Maltodextrin
It is easily and quickly soluble in water, practically tasteless or slightly sweet carbohydrate, which varies depending on the value DE. VIREDEX maltodextrin is produced in broad spectrum dextrose equivalent (between DE 12-35), on demand, under raised hygiene conditions. VIREDEX maltodextrin, produced in steady quality, is an excellent volume enhancer, carrier agent and texture improver of which most important features are excellent solubility and ideally shaped grain structure.
Proper solubility ensures optimum use of the product resulting in VIREDEX maltodextrin no additional energy input is needed when using it.
Impregnated paper bag 25 kg
Virefeed DDGS

Virefeed DDGS
It is light yellowish-brown tiny grain with sweetish odor that is produced from the bottom spirit of alcohol production with high protein content and wheat bran by means of drying. For request it is also available as dust-proof pellet with high hardness.
VIREFEED wheat DDGS is with 17-22% protein and high mineral content that can be used as preservable feed. Primarily, due to its stable nutrient components and homogenous contents it is popular. Even though using it to various extent it is recommended feedstock for ruminants, pork and poultry too. Mycotoxin levels kept within the limit value is guaranteed by the strictly controlled quality of incoming wheat and our modern testing laboratory.
V 99,8 Bioethanol

V 99,8 Bioethanol
It is clear, transparent, colorless alcohol product, denaturated in request.
Due to modern technology, the V 99.8 ethanol is made for chemical use in high quality and environmentally conscious conditions, that is ensured by waste heat recovery and multiple energy recovery. The V 96.0 ethanol is converted to dehydrated alcohol product, under reflux, through absorptive zeolite molecular sieve bed. Homogeneous denaturation is guaranteed by our modern in-line mixing system to provide proper quality for our customers. We manage transport by road and rail, too.